Apply to Speak at
Clean Buildings Conference 2024

Applications Due by September 30, 2023

Clean Buildings Conference is now accepting proposals from industry experts eager to share their knowledge and expertise. We are looking for first-time speakers, industry experts, consultants, and commercial cleaning professionals who are passionate about the commercial cleaning industry. This is your opportunity to shape our educational content in a year where commercial cleaning information and ideas have never been more important. 

This year’s theme is: ???

Apply to Speak

2024 Tracks

Ready to Get Started?

It's easy! Simply provide these 4 items.

1. Title and Description

Accurate, brief, concise — and how you would like it to appear in conference materials. The conference committee may edit titles and description for content or length.

2. Learning Objectives

Supply 4 learning objectives based on takeaways provided in the presentation.

3. CEU Questions

Four True/False statements based on learning objectives that attendees will answer for CEU credit post-show.

4. Your Biography and Photo

Limit of 200-word biography per presenter with a high-resolution photo.

Don't wait! The deadline to submit your application is September 30, 2023.

Apply to Speak


If you have any questions, please email or call me.

Wendy Dietzler
Senior Director of Events, Education & Membership
414-228-7701 ext 458

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