NFMT 2022
Show Info Conference Expo Hall

NFMT news you can use

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iOFFICE + SpaceIQ gives businesses the tools to connect their most valuable resources: people, places, and the equipment that supports them. iOFFICE + SpaceIQ's comprehensive portfolio of workplace and asset management software solutions enables companies to make data-driven decisions to optimize their real estate, enhance workspace experience, and streamline maintenance.

Baltimore Ends Its Mask Mandate

Effective this past Tuesday, March 1, the city of Baltimore ended its indoor face mask mandate. People in retail shops, restaurants and venues will no longer be required to wear face masks, including the Baltimore Convention Center, the home to NFMT. Per CDC guidelines, masks are not required while attending NFMT 2022 at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Baltimore Experience Playbook

You're registered for NFMT. Do you know your way around Baltimore? Our friends at Visit Baltimore provided this handy Baltimore Experience Playbook. It can help you navigate your way to restaurants and attractions when NFMT is done for the day.

Opening Night Networking Party

Tuesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm – Pratt Street Lobby

We will celebrate being back together with drinks, food and games on Tuesday night. We know facilities managers have worked tirelessly for the past two years and this is one small way we can say good job and thank you. Join us as we celebrate you — the FMs. All Basic, Pro and Elite plus Exhibitors are welcome to participate.

NFMTCast Episode Two

This week's guest is the former editor in chief of Building Operating Management, Ed Sullivan. Having led BOM magazine for nearly 30 years, Ed is a respected voice in the FM community who's attended every NFMT show. He retired in summer of 2020, but came out of retirement for a conversation about the underlying traits of good FMs.
