Join Me at NFMT

When I came to Trade Press Media Group in October 2019, the parent company of NFMT, all I heard about was NFMT. I heard about it from our editors, graphic designers, marketers, education team, everyone. They spoke about the networking parties, the product discovery, the exhibitors, the packed conference sessions.

That made it easy to get to work on planning the 20th NFMT in March 2020. Then we all know what happened. Coronavirus/COVID-19 forced us to cancel both the 2020 and 2021 shows.

I heard about our show being the biggest facilities show in the industry and I'm finally ready to experience NFMT in March 2022 so I can stop living vicariously through my team members.

That being said, the reason I wrote this letter is because I want to personally invite you to the 20th NFMT, March 29-31 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Please say hi if you see me. I'd love to hear about you and your facilities. I can't wait to see the show and meet the facilities pros who make it all worth it. I hope to meet you in Baltimore. To get started right now, click the link here to reserve your spot at NFMT. Stay well and please, join me and the facilities community in March at NFMT.



Jill McDermott
Trade Press Media Group
