Back to Baltimore
Finally. NFMT returns to Baltimore in March 2022.
The coronavirus pandemic might have stalled the 20th rendition of NFMT taking place by two years, but it didn't stop it. Good things come to those who wait and here we are, already deep into the planning process for NFMT's joyous and productive return to the Baltimore Convention Center, March 29-31, 2022.
All the leads you're used to gathering, the meaningful conversations that lead to sales, the networking events, the fun times shared with colleagues and customers all return to the Inner Harbor. Don't be left out of NFMT's 20th show. While "20th show in 2020" might have rolled off the tongue a bit better than "20 in 2022," the payoff will be even greater as demand for NFMT is at a fever pitch. We all had to wait it out, but that wait is now over. We'll get you the best booth space available. Welcome back to NFMT.
Laurie Vega
414.228.7701 x482