Our Commitment to You During COVID-19 We consider you part of our NFMT family and your safety remains our highest priority. As a result, we feel that it's important that we give you as much information as possible about the procedures we follow to ensure your health and safety while at NFMT. We are working with the Baltimore Convention Center to provide additional hand sanitizers throughout the building and in all common areas including our registration area, on the conference level and in the expo hall. All attendees will receive a bottle of hand sanitizer in their attendee tote bag, courtesy of Ecolab. The Baltimore Convention Center has a dedicated team of employees whose only function is to continuously clean and disinfect high-touch items like handrails, railings, door knobs etc. They will clean and monitor restrooms and meeting rooms during event hours and will do a thorough cleaning each night. In addition, we have set up handshake free zones and are posting signs in all public restrooms on proper hand washing procedures. To ensure you always have access to the latest information and guidance on the COVID-19 situation, the NFMT website is continually being updated. |
Just Added! Emergency Preparedness for Infection Control: Coronavirus Discover best practices organizations are using to combat the spread of any easily transferable virus within their facility. More Details » Wednesday, March 18 at 1pm in the Expo Hall Sponsored By |
COVID-19 Roundtable Clean Buildings Expo (our sister show) also has educational sessions on COVID-19. Your NFMT registration includes entry to Clean Buildings Expo educational sessions and exhibit hall. Take advantage of topical programming on COVID-19 at to help you protect your buildings, occupants, and staff.
COVID-19 Roundtable Experts in cleaning for infection prevention will address questions about the spread of coronavirus, cleaning and disinfection best practices, and personal protection measures. This session is free to registered attendees. |
Two for One Your NFMT registration includes entry to Clean Buildings Expo. A trade show and conference for the commercial cleaning industry. Bring your in-house cleaning team and your buildings will never look better. |
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