NFMT Orlando

November 13-14, 2019 / Orlando, FL

Does your company need an approach to developing a facilities master plan that will help make sure the portfolio supports the organization's overall strategic goals, allowing managers to prioritize their operational and financial activities related to each property?

If you answered "Yes," then join us at NFMT Orlando!


Building a Better Business Case for Your Facilities Master Plan

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Thomas Mitchell

Tom Mitchell, Jr.
Senior Vice President & COO
FM3IS Associates, L.L.C.

Hear from expert, Tom Mitchell and learn how to:

  1. Collect and analyze comprehensive facilities data and compare it to relevant facilities benchmarks
  2. Identify opportunities to minimize financial shortfall and reduce the deferred maintenance backlog
  3. Construct a business case model that can be used to pursue opportunities and justify future facilities funding requests
  4. Create a road map to implement the facilities master plan

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