The Best is Back
The biggest and best facilities trade show returns March 26-28, 2019
It only takes one conversation at your booth, one encounter at a networking party, or sitting next to the right person at a conference session. That's all it takes to land your next client. There's a reason National Facilities Management & Technology (NFMT) Show has grown to become the biggest in the country. All of these things happen every day during the three day run at the Baltimore Convention Center.
Exhibiting companies drum up new business and make new connections that keep them coming back year after year. The only way to tap into this is to exhibit.
Contact Your Exhibit Team Today
Laurie Vega
Accounts A–B + Numeric
P: 414-228-7701 Ext 482
Kayleigh Norton
Accounts C—D + L–P
P: 414-228-7701 Ext 449
Nick Fetek
Accounts E–K
P: 414-228-7701 Ext 477
Debbie Hanamann
Accounts Q–Z
P: 414-228-7701 Ext 305