Ramp-up for NFMT Baltimore!
Got Exhibiting Questions?
Get Expert Advice
NFMT Baltimore is on the horizon. Don't wait until a month before the show to have your exhibiting questions answered. NFMT has made special arrangements with Jefferson Davis, America's leading expert on trade show success. You can submit questions on any exhibiting topic, and Mr. Davis will respond personally within 48 hours. Submit your questions now!

Attention First-Time Exhibitors

If this is your company's first exhibiting experience at NFMT, we strongly suggest that you view this web-briefing replay. In just 45 minutes, without leaving your desk, NFMT staff and Jefferson Davis of Competitive Edge, will share important information, spotlight resources available to you and discuss what your company can do to get maximum return from every dollar and hour you invest in NFMT. View webinar replay here
Companies A-B, plus numeric
Laurie Vega
414-228-7701, Ext. 482

Companies C, E-K
Jodi Denton
414-228-7701, Ext. 449

Companies D, L-P
Lucy Kaufmann
414-228-7701, Ext. 477

Companies Q-Z
Debbie Hanamann
414-228-7701, Ext. 305