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Hi %%FirstName%%
Last Name: %%LastName%%
Badge ID #: %%BadgeID%%
Thank you for being part of High-Performance Buildings and Workplaces 2017. I hope the education, networking and exhibits were helpful.
Session Transcripts
Your personal High-Performance Buildings Attendance Tracker is now live. After correctly answering 4 assessment questions for each session you attended, you'll be able to download your HPB+W session transcript.
Enter your last name and Registration/Badge ID # exactly as they appear at the top of this email. We're pleased to provide this free service to you and hope you find it useful.
Your Session Handouts
You can also access downloadable handouts of all available High-Performance Buildings educational presentations. You will need to enter your Registration/Badge ID # as listed above.
I hope you enjoyed this year's show. I look forward to seeing you at our next educational event - Critical Facilities Summit, October 23-25 in Minneapolis. http://www.criticalfacilitiessummit.com
Best regards,
Wendy Dietzler
Vice President, Education & Conferencing
High-Performance Buildings + Workplaces