Corrected! A Few Last Minute Tips Before the High-Performance Buildings + Workplaces Show
Trade shows like HPB+W are a big commitment. We understand they're vitally important in achieving your marketing goals and sales targets and want you to have a great show. Before you head to the Arlington Convention Center next week, here are some Insider Tips and Insight.
Free Networking Party - CORRECTED
Wednesday, May 17 (2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
In the original email, we accidentally listed the incorrect date for our Networking Party. We apologize if that caused any confusion! The good news is, we still have a free networking party!
Join attendees, speakers and fellow exhibitors at our networking party in the Expo Hall. Meet, connect and enjoy free appetizers and cocktails while mingling with attendees.
LYFT Discount
Lyft is offering $15 in free rides to attendees of the HPB+W show! Click on the link below to download the free Lyft app and enter the credit code "15BONUS" in the payment section before requesting a Lyft to claim $15 in free rides! *Valid for new accounts, $5 off 3 rides. https://www.lyft.com/invite/15BONUS
See all of the travel discounts available to you here: http://www.nfmt.com/highperformance/travel/default.aspx#arlington
Conference Schedule
35 conference sessions. CEU's. All free of charge. Great opportunity for you!
Other Trade Show Insight and Tips
Keep your booth clean and in good order so attendees are compelled to stop and talk.
Have something creative and useful to hand out to attendees like private labeled chap stick, water bottles, etc.
Bring comfortable shoes, you'll be standing a lot!
If you have any questions or need anything before the show, don't hesitate to contact your sales team! See you soon in Arlington!