Property Assessed Clean Energy Workshop
You are invited to a Clean Energy workshop on Monday, May 2 — the day before the High-Performance Buildings + Workplaces Conference and Expo officially opens. It's an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get extensive training from leading experts on a topic crucial to today's high-performance facility.
Created for engineers and contractors providing energy and water efficiency building technologies interested in becoming a service provider in Texas' PACE ecosystem—and for anyone else interested in learning how to complete a PACE project from start to finish.
Your Key Takeaways
- Review the elements and scope of a PACE project
- Understand energy, solar and water commercial incentives
- Discuss technical standards as part of a PACE project
- Analyze the role of the independent reviewer
- Learn about PACE financial modeling and next steps in PACE network and project development
- Go to the Attendee Resource Dashboard
- Enter the email and password under the "Already Completed a Registration?" box on the right hand side of the page
- Log-In
- Click on "View Session Event Information"
- Click "Edit Product Information"
- Select the Workshop you want to add
Call us if you have any questions. 414-228-7701 ext 447.