Please fill out your HPB+W exhibitor directory listing as soon as possible. This information will be used in the printed directory that is distributed onsite, as well as in your online company listing. As a bonus, you'll be able to upload one video and one brochure that will be housed on our NFMT HPB+W website. You may return and submit the video and brochure at a later date if necessary.
To find your booth number please click here: http://nfmt.com/highperformance/exhibithall/SearchResults.aspx
To submit your information please go to: http://www.nfmt.com/highperformance/exhibitors/eventDirectory/default/Form--2016
The deadline to submit is Thursday, March 17. If you do not complete the form by the deadline, we will use the limited information from your contract. Please allow 48 hours for the information you submitted to populate on the event website.
If you have any questions regarding this form, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Adrienne Brown
Admin/Sr. Support Assistant
Trade Press Media Group, Inc.
2100 W Florist Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: 414.228.7701 Ext 463
P.S. Another reminder: If you want to add a logo with your listing, or to advertise in the Event Directory, be sure to contact your sales representative by March 17. Contact your account executive as soon as possible if you are interested in advertising.