Now Available:

Don’t Let a Hybrid Workplace Prevent Mentoring

The No. 1 reason maintenance and engineering managers consider outsourcing for their departments is cost savings, according to a recent survey of managers. Let’s be crystal clear here: Outsourcing maintenance does not save money.

What managers are trying to achieve by contracting maintenance is a balance between costs and service that optimizes operations. In this session, Andrew Gager offers managers proven insights and strategies to make outsourcing work for their departments, their staffs, and their organizations.

Gather your team and start watching today.

FM Huddle Tomorrow!

The next FM Huddle takes place Friday, June 24 at 9 a.m. Eastern. Save your spot by registering today.

If you haven't joined one yet, these short, virtual networking opportunities connect facility managers together to ask questions and share advice. It's one of members favorite benefits. We hope to see you there.

We hope you are enjoying your fnPrime membership. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to reach out to us.

Contact Us

Amy Brown
Director of Events, Education and Membership
414-228-7701 Ext. 458

2100 W Florist Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209
