For the past year at fnPrime, we've been fortunate to feature articles from industry veteran and expert Stormy Friday. Her work has addressed Millennials, the hybrid workplace, how to deliver bad news, and more.
I'm now happy to announce we've recently added two additional columnists to our family.
John Rimer is president and a senior consultant FM360, LLC. He is a mechanical engineer with more than 25 year’s facility management experience. In his first column, John discusses the cost of management saying "No" to budget requests.
Clarence Carson is the former Chief Facilities Officer for Chicago Public Schools. Over the years, he has developed a skillset in project management, contract negotiations, community affairs, relationship building, and much more. His debut column looks at alternative procurement methods in K-12 schools.
Each month, we'll feature a new column from one of these writers. I hope you will enjoy them.
Dan Weltin,
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