We are very excited to announce a new benefit for our fnPrime members — a Lunch and Learn training program. Each month we will develop a Lunch and Learn webcast that will include the materials you need to host either an in-person or virtual training program with your staff.
As a fnPrime member, you can always access the webcast, but there is a special link to invite others from your team to view virtually. We also offer a certificate you can give your team for attending the training.
Our first Lunch and Learn on COVID Return to Work Strategies is available now. If your team members appreciate the information presented and want to start their own fnPrime membership, they can take advantage of our bulk rates and receive a discount. More details are below.
Dan Weltin,
Bulk Membership
Are there others in your organization that could benefit from a fnPrime membership? We offer a bulk membership discount of up to 25 percent. The more members that join, the more your company saves! To learn more about bulk membership rates, contact Amy Brown at 414-228-7701, EXT. 458 or email at amy.brown@tradepress.com.
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