Did you know that your fnPrime membership can help you earn free continuing education credits? Our CEU Library has enough videos to earn you up to 30 hours of education.
We recently added our latest video session that can earn you a continuing education unit. Check out "A Framework for Adopting Smart Technology" and then take the CEU assessment to earn your credits today.
Dan Weltin,
Is Office Densification Dead?
By JoAnn Petaschnick
Not that long ago, office space was shrinking. Trends were forecasting that facilities would provide as little as 100 square feet per worker. But now with the pandemic, things have changed, ready or not.
What does it mean for offices now that our behavior and budgets are dictated in large part by COVID-19? Studies show eight in 10 companies are planning to allow employees to work remotely at least some of the time when employees return to the workplace. Will our densified offices be adequate to address new health and safety guidelines like social distancing? Will office areas de-densify or will they stay small because so many people will work remotely?
Click here to continue reading.
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Mark your calendars for our upcoming UV Roundtable on March 12. This free fnPrime member-only event will look at using ultraviolet lighting for fighting COVID-19, especially in HVAC applications. Look for more information coming soon.
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