Hi %%FirstName%%,
You've probably already noticed.
Your NFMT Membership was automatically upgraded to full fnPrime membership.
There's too many new benefits and layers to fnPrime to list here. Here's just a few of our favorite features you have full access to:
Unlimited access to 45+ educational videos
Webcasts to host your own lunch and learns
Enjoy fnPrime for another 12 months and renew today!
NFMT Members can renew for another year at the same rate ($125), a 35% savings from what non-NFMT Members pay ($199).
Check out what fnPrime members will consume soon:
Chapter 1 of Law Book (Fire Safety)
Quarterly Webcast: Business Continuity
Gap Analysis & Technical skills
Retaining Middle Managers Article
Chapter 2 of Law Book (ADA)
Mentoring Article
You have full access through the remainder of your initial NFMT Membership purchase, but your membership expires next month. Don't let your fnPrime membership expire and renew today!