Dear %%FirstName%%,
This is a reminder that your NFMT Membership has expired. I hope this is just an oversight, and that you'll be renewing your NFMT Membership at the low price of $125. With your one-time payment, you'll receive access to 365 whole days of FM perks (a $1,699 value!). Don't miss out on all of the exclusive incentives that come along with your NFMT Membership!
- Access to FREE, member-only webcasts & a video library with 100+ conference sessions
- VIP privileges at all NFMT shows, including a Members-only lounge & session handouts in advance
- Your access to early registration and special discounts to live events
- An exclusive discount on the ProFM™ Credential Program
%%FirstName%%, thank you for your support in the past. We sincerely hope you'll consider rejoining the NFMT family. Your participation and membership help make NFMT the #1 educational value offered to Facility Managers.
Amy Brown
Director of Education and Conferencing