NFMT Membership - Action Required


Your membership has expired!


Dear %%FirstName%%,

This is a reminder that your NFMT Membership has expired. I hope this is just an oversight, and that you'll be renewing your NFMT Membership at the low price of $125. With your one-time payment, you'll receive access to 365 whole days of FM perks (a $1,699 value!). Don't miss out on all of the exclusive incentives that come along with your NFMT Membership!

  • Access to FREE, member-only webcasts & a video library with 100+ conference sessions
  • VIP privileges at all NFMT shows, including a Members-only lounge & session handouts in advance
  • Your access to early registration and special discounts to live events
  • An exclusive discount on the ProFM™ Credential Program

%%FirstName%%, thank you for your support in the past. We sincerely hope you'll consider rejoining the NFMT family. Your participation and membership help make NFMT the #1 educational value offered to Facility Managers.

Yes! I want to renew


Amy Brown

Amy Brown
Director of Education and Conferencing

PS. Don't forget that the best place to take advantage of your Membership benefits is at NFMT. Join us at NFMT 2019 March 26–28 in Baltimore.