NFMT Membership

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NFMT (National Facilities Management and Technology) specializes in quality FM content, ranging from weekly educational videos to custom webcasts to live training sessions at our Free annual conference. For just $125 per year, you can become and NFMT Member and have unlimited access to all NFMT content (a $1,699 value). Your membership unlocks an abundance of VIP perks all year long!

What's included in my NFMT Membership?

•  Free, member-only webcasts and access to our video library
•  Handouts in advance for all NFMT Conferences
•  Early registration and discounts
•  A special discount on the ProFM™ Credential Program

…and that's only the beginning.

As you can see, an NFMT Membership is a necessity as an FM. What are you waiting or? Click here to become an NFMT Member today!



Amy Brown Signature

Amy Brown
Director of Education and Conferencing