Sales & Support: +1 (888) 364-7753 Cooling Tower performance is vital in facilities, plants, and commercial buildings, for maintaining system efficiency – and safety. By design, they use outside air to cool the system's water. A nasty byproduct is the contaminants it collects along the way. Dirt, sludge, slime, and more. All of which can dirty up heat exchangers like chillers, reducing system efficiency. But efficiency loss isn't just the only issue. Contaminants are also breeding grounds for deadly bacteria like Legionella. Fortunately, you can prevent these issues by properly cleaning and maintaining your cooling towers. Goodway Technologies cooling tower cleaning solutions help keep systems clean, operate optimally, and decrease potential health risks.
Don't delay in reviewing your cooling tower cleaning and maintenance plan. Contact one of our specialists today at 1-800-333-7467 to discuss your specific maintenance needs. A clean cooling tower basin prevents potential health risks and increases system efficiency. The CTV-1501 TowerVac® Cooling Tower Vacuum – an innovation award winner - safely removes cooling tower bacteria, like Legionella and other micro-organisms, quickly and easily. The system features an adjustable flow control that allows you to clean at a recovery rate of up to 60 GPM. Goodway, cooling tower products help meet and exceed ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015, a standard for managing the remediation of Legionella in commercial building water. When used in conjunction with our CTV-F2 cooling tower filter system, you can save water by filtering, then returning clean, reusable water to your tower basin. Learn more about CTV-1501 here >>
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