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5 Ways Technology Can Support Facility Maintenance, Sustainability, and Security

September 29th, 2022
1 PM ET | 12 PM CT | 10 AM PT

Do you ever struggle to process work orders, manage preventative maintenance, track who has building key access, or any number of facility management related tasks?

You’re not alone! Managing a facility, no matter how small, can be a daunting and often thankless responsibility. As those who oversee facilities we are generally only noticed when something goes awry.

During this webinar we will discuss five ways technology can streamline your processes, help you stay proactive, and simplify your work.

Key Takeaways:

  • How technology can help move to a proactive and preventive approach
  • Ways to secure a facility and track who has building access and to which locations
  • How technology can empower analytical and forward-thinking approaches



Joe McVay
Product Manager

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