What Healthcare FMs will be Reading in September…
Some of the trends and features we'll report on in September.
Healthcare Facility Tech.
Wireless technologies and software advances are transforming every
part of the healthcare facility and touching both employees and
patients. We'll look at the advances available with the healthcare
Internet of Things and Smart Buildings Technology that can automate,
integrate and assist with tasks handled by everyone from Environmental
Services teams to medical staff engineers on behalf of patients.
Fire Safety Systems.
We'll talk to the experts and list the top things a facility manager
needs to check off her to-do list to keep a healthcare facility safe and compliant with the latest regulations and codes.
Keeping the Lights On In Dark Times.
Recent natural disasters have shined a light on the need for power reliability, portable power generation and alternative energy sources. Every storm and fire brings new lessons learned for healthcare facility managers, so we'll talk to FMs about how they keep their hospitals running in dark times.
News from the world of healthcare facility design, operations and maintenance.