Tips On How To Inspect And Maintain Your Roof,
a free webcast!

April 22, 2021
1 PM ET | 12PM  CT | 11 AM PT

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Join us for our upcoming webcast as we learn about the new technology advancements to inspect your roof.

As any facilities managers know, the roof is a large investment and you want to make sure you are inspecting and maintaining properly to get the most return on your investment. We will compare the costs associated with proactive vs. reactive roof maintenance. After attending this session, users will be equipped with the know-how to radically transform their roof repairs and triage their overall facilities portfolio.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to perform accurate drone inspections of your roof.
  • Utilize technology to uncover problems undetected by the naked eye.
  • Identify the savings that can be expected by taking a proactive approach to maintaining your roofing assets.


Chris Shermach
Corporate Accounts Manager

Chris Shermach is the Corporate Accounts Manager at Versico Roofing Systems and has been with the company for over 20 years. Chris and the Versico team have built relationships across the country with building owners, facility managers, and many other national customers.


Andrew Dennison
Director of Enterprise Services

Andrew Dennison is a Director of Enterprise Services at DroneDeploy. He helps our enterprise clients design and operate their global drone programs. Familiar with entire drone tech stack and industry-specific ROI.

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