FREE Webcast Presented By
RCMA Roof Coatings
Reflective Roof Coatings: Cool Stories

Sponsored By
Karnak - The Seal of Quality

Smart Buildings
1:00 PM ET

Learn More & Register
Join this presentation as we discuss the key benefits and environmental importance of reflective roof coatings for low-slope roof systems. We will highlight the science behind these coatings in an easy to understand format, complete with real-world case studies. Walk away with a better understanding of reflective roof coatings and methods to identify payback, energy savings and other quantifiable benefits based on roof-reflectivity case studies.

Learning Objectives:
  • Evaluate the benefits of reflective roof coatings on low-slope systems
  • Examine the science behind reflective roof coatings
  • Discuss the role of reflective roofs in environmental initiatives
  • Identify payback, energy savings, and additional benefits via real-world roof-reflectivity case studies

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