Facilities Summit:
Space Management & Employee Engagement

Thursday, November 7 | 1:00 – 3:00 PM ET

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Like it or not, the pandemic changed the concept of the workplace forever. Hybrid and fully remote positions are now requirements for job seekers and the physical workplace has had to evolve alongside those expectations to support engagement, collaboration and productivity.

Join industry leaders, technology innovators and workplace strategists to gain insights into optimizing space to support employees no matter where they’re working from. Key topics include smart office solutions, flexible workspace design, employee engagement tools, and data-driven decision-making.

You’ll leave the Space Management and Employee Engagement summit having reached these learning objectives:

  • Understand how space management trends have changed
  • Learn best practices for space management and how to utilize space efficiently 
  • Comprehend strategies for bolstering employee collaboration and productivity
  • Review future office design and concepts 

Our Presenters

Stephanie Wood
Facilities Planner, Stantec

Frank Quigley
CEO, R&K Solutions

Embrace the future of work, learn how to adapt to changing needs and stay competitive in a post-pandemic world by attending our Space Management and Employee Engagement summit.

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