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Here's What Our Editors Are Working On

The Higher The Title

The higher the title of the readers of Building Operating Management, the more they want to receive a print version of the magazine over digital version. That's not lip service. That's according to our recent Readership Study. As you know, the higher the title, the more they control the budget. The higher the title, the more influence they have in the buying process. It's the latest reason why having a presence in the pages of BOM isn't a nice to have, but a must do. Your next opportunity is here by way of our December issue!

See Full Media Kit & Audience »

December Issue Articles

Commercial Office Safety

Leaders at Augusta (GA) University and a local hospital mobilized other city facilities leaders to develop a community-wide ASHER (Active Shooter Hostile Event Response) event in preparation for something they hope is never needed – a mass shooting.

Infection Control

This article will discuss why facility executives shouldn’t trim their cleaning and disinfecting budgets — in fact, it should be increased during cold and flu season to increase frequency of disinfecting commonly touched surfaces and frequently used areas such as restrooms to prevent cross-contamination and the spread of diseases.

Lighting Controls

This article profiles the efforts of one facilities department to specify and install advanced LED technology and controls throughout its buildings, resulting in a reduction in needed lighting fixtures, energy savings and lower cooling loads.

Also In This Issue:

  • Elevators
  • Microgrids
  • Visualizer: K-12 Schools and Classrooms
  • Outsourcing
  • Cover Profile - Doug Pearson, vice president of facilities planning and operations at Kent State University

Note: All editorial content subject to change.

Tap into the audience of Building Operating Management today. You simply won't find an influential group of readers in the facilities management universe anywhere else.


Wendy Brummet
Regional Sales Manager
414.228.7701 ext. 314
