March 12-14, 2024 • Baltimore, MD

Call for Presenters

NFMT Baltimore is now accepting proposals from industry experts eager to share their knowledge and expertise. We are looking for first-time speakers, industry experts, consultants, and facilities professionals who are passionate about facilities management. This is your opportunity to shape our educational content in a year where facilities management information and ideas have never been more important. 

Submit Your Proposal

2024 Tracks

Asset Management * Energy and Sustainability * Future Trends * Health and Safety * Maintenance and Operations * Security * Technology

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 2023


Ready to Get Started?


It's easy! Simply provide these 4 items.


Title and Description

Accurate, brief, concise — and how you would like it to appear in conference materials. The conference committee may edit titles and description for content or length.


Learning Objectives

Supply 4 learning objectives based on takeaways provided in the presentation.


CEU Questions

Four True/False statements based on learning objectives that attendees will answer for CEU credit post-show.


Your Biography and Photo

Limit of 200-word biography per presenter with a high resolution photo.

Don't wait! The deadline to submit your presentation is
September 30, 2023 .

Submit Your Proposal



Please email or call me.

Wendy Dietzler
Senior Director of Events, Education & Membership
414-228-7701 ext 458

NFMT does not provide monetary compensation to our presenters, and strives to create a platform offering valuable networking opportunities, exposure, and the chance to connect with a diverse audience of industry professionals.
