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New Sponsorship Opportunity!
Building/Technology/IoT - Virtual Summit

Wednesday, June 15th
10:00 am–2:00 pm Eastern

Sponsorship Deadline: May 24th

See Example   »

Smart buildings are no longer a new fad that is out of reach for most facility managers - smart buildings are now the expectation for running a facility. Connected systems and sensors are requirements for measuring and managing what is going on in your building. But is this enough? This summit will discuss how to move smart building into the next era - full optimization of the building. We will focus on how to maximize current standard technology in your building and plan for future technology needs as those become available.

Facilities Summits are educational conferences with a four-hour program of curated content on the designated theme. The program is a mix of formal educational presentation sessions and networking opportunities. Each Facilities Summit provides around 4-5 educational sessions (including content from sponsors) directly related to the overall topic of the Summit. Panelist and audience members will be using video to participate.

Sponsor: (Limit to 4 Sponsors)


  • Opportunity to provide one 15-minute presentation.
  • Logo displayed on all marketing and event materials.
  • Logo placement on follow-up email with the ability to include a PDF handout
  • Receive attendee lead information including name, postal list, email and phone


  • Logo displayed on all marketing and event materials.
  • Receive attendee lead information including name, postal list, email and phone

See an example of this sponsorship opportunity.

Sponsorship Deadline: May 24th

Let's get started. Contact me today.

Laurie Vega
414.228.7701 x482
