Vision Awards Winners Demo Days
Congratulations on being crowned a champion for the 3rd Annual Vision Awards.
Since you haven't had an opportunity to attend trade shows to showcase your product/services and talk with the facilities market — we're bringing that to you with our Demo Days (starting October 26), exclusively available to Vision Awards winners like you! We created Demo Days to provide you a platform to highlight your product/service and reach our qualified buyers.
Don't worry about investing your entire day into your Demo Days opportunity, each DemoCast is less than a half hour in length.
Companies Securing a Demo Days DemoCast get:
- A live, 15-minute product presentation and demonstration webcast. (max time duration 20 minutes including Q&A).
- You have the option to show a pre-recorded demo *video during your event.
- 5-minute Q&A with attendees via the standard webcast chat.
- Archived on FacilitiesNet for 6 months, open for viewing so more FMs can watch your demonstration.
- Promotion: We take care of all the marketing and promotion for registration that includes these channels: emails, eNewsletter, website and social.
- Reporting: List of registrant leads (includes emails).
- We will provide you a post-event video of your presentation that you can use.
- In addition to the above, the event includes a day-of-reminder email to registrants.
- Includes a test run and setup check before the event.
*Can play a demo video during the event, but we recommend videos with voice overs
Investment: $3900
Value add:
- November Issue of Building Operating Management will direct readers back to Vision Awards page with a QR Code
- NFMT (National Facilities Management & Technology Conference and Expo) website will direct readers back to Vision Awards page with a QR Code
- We will announce the 2021 Vision Awards winners in an ebook starting October 27th — a direct link to your video will be included.
Contact Laurie Vega to secure your Demo Days opportunity!
Laurie Vega
Facilities Group Publisher
Ask me about ways to promote your award-winning product at NFMT Remix, November 10-11 in Orlando