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The Leader for Advertising to the
Facilities Management Market

230,000 Facilities Professionals Rely On Us

Is your media campaign really working for you?

Aligning your marketing message with credible print content strengthens your brand, please consider the following.

The 2020 Building Operating Management media usage study of facilities executives found that trade magazines were the number one source used to learn about products and brands for purchases. That's right. Trade magazines finished ahead of search engines, websites, and social. Print does a better job than digital when it comes to getting your brand in front of facilities executives.

The 2020 Building Operating Management media usage study also found the following about our subscribers:

  • 88% say after reading articles or ads in BOM, they refer to a manufacturer's website
  • 81% use ads in BOM to learn about new products and services

No sense in waiting any longer. Put print to work for you and grab all the benefits it provides.

Contact me today.


Steve Shepherd
Regional Sales Manager
414-228-7701, ext. 426
