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September Issue Preview

Building Operating Management magazine circulates to a 100% qualified list of 60,000 building owners and facilities executives. Your next opportunity to connect with our readers is the September issue of BOM. Check out what's slated for September.

Cover Story: Education

Clarence Carson is the Chief Facilities Officer for the Chicago Public Schools and one of the more prominent education facilities executives in the country. During the pandemic, Carson has also been instrumental in helping his district and led a group of other prominent facilities executives on how to deal with the pandemic together. The article will feature a profile of Carson but also touch on how his department has dealt with all of the challenges that covid presented.

Boilers and Water Heaters

Now that the pandemic is starting to fade away, how was the operation of boilers and water heaters affected during the pandemic? The article will also discuss industry/product trends emerging from the pandemic period that managers need to know about moving forward.

Asset Management

We will look at how facility managers can use technology such as asset management software and CMMS (and the need to upgrade this software) to manage the lifecycle and depreciation of equipment and assets across their facilities.

Also in this issue:
Sustainable Workplaces
Visualizer: Building Envelope/Hurricane Preparedness
Close Up: Critical Facilities
HFT SUPPLEMENT: Water Quality/Legionella

Editorial subject to change without notice.


Steve Shepherd
Regional Sales Manager
414-228-7701, ext. 426
