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Cover Story: Educational Facilities

Science-backed facility measures will be the key to full-scale in-person learning this fall. But what exactly are those measures, and how can facility executives implement them cost-effectively? This article will look at the challenges and opportunities for best implementing long-term indoor environmental quality measures to protect students and staff now and into the future.

Fire/Life Safety

Fire sprinklers in elevator hoistways and machine rooms is a tricky proposition -- there is a lot of expensive equipment that could be ruined if it gets wet. Until recently, many locales, including the city of Chicago, didn't allow sprinklers in these areas. After receiving a code variant, though, a project at three facilities in Chicago shows how installing fire sprinklers in elevator hoistways and machine rooms is not only possible, but might just be a best practice going forward. This article explains the projects and gives facility executives some tips and advice for navigating a similar project in their facilities.

Doors and Door Hardware

Door hardware components have long been important equipment in institutional and commercial facilities. Managers relied on mechanical locks, handles, hinges, and closers primarily to keep intruders out at night. Now, new-generation products have become key elements of digital access control systems that offer managers expanded opportunities to protect facilities and occupants, to help monitor the comings and goings of occupants and visitors, and to provide an essential layer of protection in emergencies.

Also in this issue:
Lighting Controls Special Section
Workplace Design
Visualizer: Daylighting and Windows
HFT SUPPLEMENT: Security/Access Control

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Steve Shepherd
Regional Sales Manager
414-228-7701, ext. 426
