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SIGNET RESEARCH, INC. is a leading provider of Ad Measurement studies specializing in publication, association, and advertising research. Signet combines cutting-edge technologies with a commitment to client customization through its proprietary AdStudies.

The objective of the SIGNET AdEngageTM Study is to measure those who Noticed and Read ads that appeared in a particular issue.

Readers from the publication's circulation list are invited to participate in this online study. The invitation is sent after they receive the issue to be studied and before receiving the next issue. Participants are connected to a Signet website where they view the ads to be measured. Your report is based on returns from respondents.

By providing measurement scores to each ad and comparing it to others in the same issue, advertisers are given the opportunity to find new ways to better communicate with their audience and realize a stronger return on investment with their media buy.

All this insight, all of this information about how our readers reacted to YOUR ad, and it's entirely free when you advertise in the September Issue of FMD or the October Issue of BOM.

Brian Terry
Facilities Print & Digital Publisher
414.228.7701 ext. 529