
Still Looking For Leads and New Prospects?

Wednesday, June 16th
10:00 am – 2:00 pm Eastern

From the comfort of your home or office, our next Facilities Summit (Technology) on June 16, 2021 will deliver the leads and prospects you crave. No travel expenses necessary.

Facilities Summits are educational conferences with a four-hour program of curated content on the designated theme. The program is a mix of formal educational presentation sessions and networking opportunities. The Facilities Technology Summit provides educational sessions (including content from sponsors) directly related to the Summit. Panelist and audience members will be using video to participate.

June 16 — Technology Summit

For many years buildings have been managed through antiquated methods – construction turnover documents and paper blueprints, individual work orders and multiple systems not working together. The value to having a digital building, where facilities managers have information at their ready, creates efficiencies in the building. Join us as we discuss best practices for using technology in your building. Topics to include building information modeling and digital twining, building automation systems, and the internet of things.

Contact me today!

Laurie Vega
414-228-7701 ext. 482
