Facilities are re-opening across the country. Is fatigue from ensuring your buildings are operating effectively and efficiently (and safely) hitting you? We've got you covered at the upcoming Virtual Facilities Summit - Operational Excellence. Check out the key takeaways from the summit on March 31.
- Comprehend how an organization can achieve operational excellence
- Review strategies ensuring the facilities team is a high-functioning department
- Understand the differences of Building Commissioning (Cx) and Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
- List and define four typical steps of Retro-Commissioning
- Review best practices for MEP engineering
- Identify opportunities for system and equipment upgrades where the additional cost of design will result in a high return on investment by reducing operation costs, improving building performance, or positioning the building to take advantage of market trends.
- Learn to recognize current market trends in a rapidly changing world in order to position your facilities to better serve the market
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