May Issue Preview
The May issue of Facility Maintenance Decisions is closing soon. 95% of subscribers took action after seeing ads in Facility Maintenance Decisions, meaning you can be the recipient of new, interested buyers very soon. Check out what's in store next issue.
Collin College in Texas has faced several major challenges in recent years. The college had to adapt the upgrades and all other activities to the new reality of the COVID-19 era. This article profiles the department's efforts to complete the HVAC upgrades safely and efficiently while protecting the health of students and staff.
Because of its germicidal properties, ultraviolet (UV) lighting has received a great deal of scrutiny from institutional and commercial facilities looking to ensure the health and safety of indoor environments amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This article will address important issues maintenance and engineering managers need to consider in determining whether and how the technology can benefit their facilities and occupants.
Institutional and commercial facilities rely on landscaped areas to create a positive first impression. Savvy managers know that crews rely on smaller handheld equipment — including trimmers, edgers and backpack blowers — to enhance the appearance of landscapes. This article offers guidance for managers who are specifying handheld grounds equipment.
Let's talk. I'll reserve the best real estate available in the issue for your brand. Remember that all your print ad reaches more facilities pros than ever via the virtual edition, which is sent to the entire FMD database, allowing everyone to consume the issue on any and all devices.
Steve Shepherd
Regional Sales Manager
414.228.7701 ext. 426