
There's still time for you to get FREE access to premium FM events throughout the year — just become an fnPrime™ member!

Join fnPrime today and attend "Using Germicidal Ultraviolet Light in Facilities Panel" in 2 days for FREE. Leading experts will discuss germicidal ultraviolet lights (GUV) and how the benefits have been proven throughout facilities. We will discuss the correct uses of GUV and the proper training techniques.

Panelists include:

James Malley,
professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of New Hampshire

Robert Karlicek,
director of the Center for Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Don't wait, this event is 3/12 at 10 AM ET. Join fnPrime today and don't miss out on this and other free FM events.

— Amy Brown
Director of Events and Education

P.S. Here's a calendar of all the free FM experiences you'll enjoy as an fnPrime member.
