Virtual Solutions Exchange

Speed Learning

Wednesday, November 18
Noon ET  |  11 AM CT  |  9 AM PT

Limited seating. Don't lose your spot.

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Here's how it works.

On November 18th, you'll attend the facility demos webcast, each demo lasts 20 minutes. After one demo ends, the next one begins. And take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions firsthand.

Presenters are product experts and can address your product questions immediately.

This is a limited opportunity only available to 75 participants.

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Demos on Resources You Need


Improving Your AC Compressor Lifespan - CMP Corporation
This Demo will show in-field best practices for extending the lifespan of your compressor. You will see some common issues that cause failures and learn how to prevent those, saving time and money.

You will see how CPM works with building owners, operators, engineers, technicians and others to help manage HVAC operations to help them save 20-50% on the cost of a compressor - without sacrificing quality. Register Now »


Benefits And Applications Of Resinous Flooring Solutions - Westcoat
This demo is a great opportunity for facility managers to understand what type of resinous flooring systems should be applied in areas of their buildings.

The presentation will explain 3 systems that can be used in light, medium, and heavy duty areas. The demonstration will speak to the attributes of each system, the life cycle and maintenance. Register Now »

Since it's free, this event fills up quickly, so please register today to save your seat at the table!

Register Now!