Hi %%FirstName%%,

Here's your opportunity for branding in the 2nd quarter of 2019 by putting your brand in front of 73,000 facility executives. Act now and reserve your ad space in Building Operating Management (BOM) magazine's April issue.

Space closes on March 8th. Would you like a quote for your ad in the April issue?

April feature articles include:
  • Selecting Green Products
  • Advanced energy efficient design/net zero energy buildings
  • Emergency planning/resilience
  • Lighting, energy efficiency, and wellness
  • Power Reliability
  • Cover story: Profile of Gundersen Health / Envision; a huge healthcare organization
  • Paints-Coatings as an investment
  • Innovative products: Boilers/Water Heaters showcase
April advertiser bonuses include:
  • Free VIP 500 list of FMs who control at least one million square feet of space (includes Name, Title, Company and Address)
  • Ad linked to BOM's website: www.FacilitiesNet.com
Also, is it timely to prepare 2019 print or digital advertising proposals for your review?

Building Operating Management is part of Trade Press Media Group's Family of Facility Products: See our full portfolio of products at www.ReachFMs.com

Thank you for your consideration!

Scott Holverson
Midwest/Western Regional Director
Building Operating Management magazine
Phone: (414) 228-7701 ext. 304
BOM Media kit-Print/Digital: www.BOMkit.com

Further information: www.forum-media.com