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Responsible Roof Maintenance and Repair

Tuesday, August 28th | 11:00 AM ET

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Many factors contribute to the aging of a roof system, and can be the cause of immediate problems. Some of these, such as extreme weather events, are beyond the control of the building owner. But perhaps the single biggest cause of premature roof failure โ€” forgetting about regular maintenance โ€” can be avoided. A systematic roof inspection and maintenance program is essential to the satisfactory long-term performance of any roof. Attend this free educational opportunity, where we will explain how through such a program, potential problems can be found in their early stages or prevented altogether.

Learning Objectives Include:

  • Understand the causes of roof wear
  • Review key roof areas that require inspection and what to look for
  • Understand the importance of regular roof and drain cleaning
  • Learn best practices to control and monitor activity on the roof
  • Assess the impact of roof alterations as well as considerations of any roof alteration
It's Free โ€” Register Now!

Presented By:

Ken Wolford PhotoKen Wolford
Siplast, Inc.

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Presentation courtesy of Siplast, Inc.

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