Hi %%firstname%%,
Building Operating Management magazine is a must read for 73,000 building owners and facilities executives. BOM's readers control nearly $370 billion of budgets earmarked for building renovation and construction. They rely on BOM to discover the products and services they use for their 4 million buildings.
Please let me know if you would like me to prepare a quote for your ad in the September issue of BOM. Ad space closing is August 9th.
Sept feature articles include:
- High Tech Workplace: Evaluating challenges and opportunities.
- Cover story: Discovery Elementary School in Arlington, Va., is the first net zero energy school in Virginia and one of the only such high-performance buildings in the country.
- Energy Technology: tools that monitor, analyze, and control building energy use and system performance.
- Energy Efficiency Investments
- Security breaches in commercial facilities
- Green Building Report
- Windows — Technology Innovations
- Air destratification
- Paints and Coatings
Your Sept advertiser bonuses include:
- Free ad readership study by Baxter Research Corp to determine Ad Effectiveness with regards to Reader recall and Buying actions
- Free VIP 500 list of FMs who control at least one million square feet of space (includes Name, Title, Company, Street Address and Phone)
- Bonus distribution at IFMA's "World Workplace" show Oct 3-5
- Your ad linked to BOM's website: https://www.FacilitiesNet.com
The full 2018 Editorial Calendar is available at:
BOM Editorial Calendar
Call me today if you'd like an integrated Print/Emedia advertising proposal for your review.
Scott Holverson
Midwest/Western Regional Director
Building Operating Management magazine
Phone: (928) 554-4100
BOM Media kit-Print/Digital: www.BOMkit.com
Further information: www.forum-media.com