Globally, those responsible for operating and maintaining facilities from corporations to healthcare to education to government agencies, are often tasked with accomplishing more with less direct funding. Learn how the right building automation software solution can work across all sectors to reach sustainability goals by analyzing energy use and providing concrete data to make informed decisions. This webinar will demonstrate the wide capabilities of smart energy solutions in analyzing costs, consumption, and energy demand. It will also provide a glimpse into a new Software as a Service (SaaS) model of the software that provides a low-cost, subscription-based solution for small to medium organizations.
This webinar will also help you:
- Gain an understanding of the most important factors to consider when choosing a smart energy solution
- Examine the pros and cons of an on-premises deployment vs. a hosted SaaS solution
- How does security come into play with each deployment method?
Presented By:
Stewart Patterson Director, Energy Smart Buildings , ICONICS
Chris Phillips Strategic Accounts, Building Automation ICONICS
Albert Gilewicz Director - Energy and Utilities , Purdue University Physical Facilities