Hi, %%FirstName%%:
73,000 building owners and facilities executives are so engaged with Building Operating Management magazine that 84% read their copy two or more times. While 51% spend more than 30 minutes reading the magazine.*
These are staggering stats in today's instant info world. Put this engagement to work for your brand by advertising in the May issue of Building Operating Management magazine. You're sure to get noticed.
Please let me know if you would like me to prepare a quote for your ad in the May issue of BOM. Ad space closing is April 6th.
May feature articles include:
- Cover Story: Transforming today's workspaces
- Universal design strategies for Higher Education construction and renovation
- Fire/Life Safety
- Green Building Report - Selecting lighting control systems + USGBC perspective
- Soundmasking/Acoustics
- Cyber security
- Energy Efficient Innovative Product Showcase
- Unplanned outages in data centers
Your May advertiser bonuses include:
*Free VIP 500 list of FMs in educational facilities who control at least one million square feet of space (includes Name, Title, Company and Address)
*Bonus distribution at NeoCon and NFPA
*Your ad linked to BOM's website: http://www.FacilitiesNet.com
The full 2018 Editorial Calendar is available at:
BOM Editorial Calendar http://www.reachfms.com/bom/?page=print&year=2018#calendar
Call me today if you'd like a customized 2018 integrated Print/Emedia advertising proposal for your review. This personalized proposal includes special rates, recommended issues (relevant editorial & key trade shows) and merchandising options specifically tailored for your product.
Scott Holverson
Midwest/Western Regional Director
Building Operating Management Magazine
Phone: (928) 554-4100
Further information: www.forum-media.com
BOM Media kit - Print/Digital: http://www.BOMkit.com
*Baxter Research Center Readership Study Dec 2017