Hi, %%FirstName%%:
Here's your opportunity to gain more branding traction in 1st quarter of 2018 and put your brand in front of 73,000 facility executives in March. Act now and reserve your ad space in Building Operating Management (BOM) magazine's March issue.
Ad space closes on February 5th. Would you like me to prepare a quote for your ad in the March issue?
March feature articles include:
- Cover Story: Hurricanes and Emergency Preparedness
- HVAC: System upgrades
- FM Career Development: industry credentials
- Retail buildings: Facility strategies that malls are using to thrive in 2018
- Water Treatment
- Wiring and Cabling feature + product show case
- Green Building Report
- Plumbing showcase
Your March advertiser bonuses include:
*Free VIP 500 list of FMs who control at least one million square feet of space (includes Name, Title, Company and Address)
*Free ad readership study to determine Ad Effectiveness with regards to Reader recall and Buying actions
*Bonus distribution at BOM magazine's "NFMT Conference and Expo" in Baltimore (see http://www.nfmt.com/baltimore/ )
*Your ad linked to BOM's website: http://www.FacilitiesNet.com
Call me today if you'd like a customized 2018 integrated Print/Emedia advertising proposal for your review. This personalized proposal includes special rates, recommended issues (relevant editorial & key trade shows) and merchandising options specifically tailored for your product.
PS: Curious about what we're featuring the rest of the year? The 2018 editorial calendar is available at: http://www.reachfms.com/bom/?page=print&year=2018#calendar
Scott Holverson
Midwest/Western Regional Director
Building Operating Management Magazine
Phone: (928) 554-4100
BOM Media kit - Print/Digital: http://www.BOMkit.com