Facility Maintenance Decisions
Hello %%FirstName%%,

We recently sent you a questionnaire on your role in retrofit and renovation projects. If you have completed this survey, thank you. If not I hope you will take a moment now. After completing the survey you will be eligible to enter our random drawing for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card- two winners will be selected.

To complete the questionnaire, click on the link below.

Since the number of subscribers invited to answer this survey is small, your participation is important for meaningful results. Your answers will be kept completely confidential and used only in tabulation with others. No data about you or your email address will be shared with anyone. The survey takes 4-5 minutes to complete.


We appreciate your feedback! Thanks for your help.

Todd Kotlarek
Todd Kotlarek
Group Director, Facilities Market
Facility Maintenance Decisions Magazine
2100 West Florist Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53209