Hello %%FirstName%%,
A few days ago I e-mailed you, asking for your help with a survey on Surge Protection.
To date, many valuable replies to the survey have been received - but yours is not among them. We need to hear from you. Your response is vital for valid and meaningful results. As a token of our appreciation, your completed survey will enter you into a drawing for a Fire HD 10 tablet, Kindle Paperwhite, HP Chromebook, or a $100 Visa cash card. Four winners will be selected.
To complete this survey click on the link below:
Since the number of readers contacted is small, your participation is especially important for the success of this project. Your answers will be kept confidential and only used in tabulation with others. No data about you or your e-mail address will be shared with anyone.
Please submit your completed survey today.
Thanks for your help.

Ed Sullivan
Building Operating Management Magazine
2100 West Florist Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53209