This custom opportunity gets your brand in front of 35,000 decision makers
in need of energy management investment & demand-response advice.
To maximize the benefits of demand-response programs, facilities need to ensure
that maintenance and engineering departments are involved in the process from
the start.
Department managers are responsible for the efficient operations of facilities, and
they — along with their supervisors and front-line technicians — are the most
knowledgeable professionals within facilities when it comes to understanding
systems and equipment that these programs target.
This sponsored section, prepared for the Institute for Electric Efficiency (IEE),
will explore the benefits of demand-response programs on institutional and
commercial facilities, and it will discuss the practical considerations facing
managers responsible for making demand response work.
The section also will feature a sidebar on IEE's resources and activities, including
information on the role regional energy-efficiency organizations can play in
helping managers make demand response work.
*Plus, by advertising in the August issue, you'll get:
- Healthcare VIP 300 database
- Bonus exposure on
Advertise & Benefit from
this custom, highly targeted
marketing opportunity
Send electronic ad materials to:
Production Manager
Maintenance Solutions
2100 W. Florist Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53209
*Guidelines for preparing/sending
electronic files available at
Ad rates and information online at
Brian Terry
South/Mid-Atlantic Regional Director
414-228-7701, ext. 529
Scott Holverson
Midwest/Western Regional Director
Greg Lynn Northeast Regional Director