Sunbelt Rentals has the cooling equipment you need when you need it

The dog days of summer are here and are really putting a burden on your HVAC system, overloading HVAC systems and causing failures. When that happens, you can’t just close the doors. That’s an emergency requiring an immediate response and you need a team of experts who can provide a cooling solution for you that works best for your application.

With Sunbelt Rentals, you’ll get a turnkey rental solution with everything you need, along with white-glove service. We’ll come to your site, set up the equipment, and make sure it works properly. Any time you need support, you can just pick up the phone 24/7 and speak to technicians who understand HVAC issues.

If you have multiple facilities, we have rental locations across North America. We can provide a point person for all your service needs, create an emergency response plan tailored for you, and work with your company’s procurement system to handle all administrative details.

Get ahead of a cooling emergency. We’d be happy to provide a free job sizing estimate for your next project to ensure you’ve right-sized the job.

Get a Quote
2341 Deerfield Drive, Ft. Mill, SC 29715

Information Courtesy of Sunbelt Rentals