This industry brief covers IoT's relationship to Smart Cities and 5G wireless. And how IoT, Smart Cities, and 5G will require remotely managed intelligent power to deliver on the promises of better information and control, resulting in improved lifestyles and greater efficiency.
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Billions of IoT devices are expected to come online globally over the next decade. Because they will be widely dispersed and require so many ancillary support systems, having managed intelligent power to run both the IoT devices and the corresponding systems remotely makes sense logistically and economically.
Intelligent power takes the form of power distribution units with onboard communications capable of remotely monitoring power consumption, scheduling outlet power on and off, shedding load to maximize uptime when on battery / UPS, and implementing graceful shutdowns whenever a temperature threshold is exceeded.
The IoT will have gateways, aggregators, and edge compute locations distributed across a myriad of physical environments and operating conditions and will no longer be confined to a centralized data center. Getting a trained technician out to the hardware takes time and money. Paying a little more upfront for intelligent power solutions with remote management capabilities can help your IoT application or supporting network get back online faster through automation or a more educated manual intervention.
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