Ready to Take the Challenge Out of Mapping a Safer Workplace?

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic raised new workplace questions and concerns: What does the future of the workplace look like? How do you keep employees safe? How and when do you return to the office?

Considering the changes the workplace has undergone, facilities managers must pivot too. By adding new capabilities to your professional skillset, you can plan a more confident return to the office. Take a look at the five return-to-work skills that top the list — and iOFFICE workplace tech that supports these efforts.

Simplify Workspace Management with the Right Tech

Effectively managing your company's real estate portfolio is a complex job. Streamline your operations with iOFFICE's space management software. By consolidating all your space management tools into one cloud-based platform, you'll have more data, control, and agility to optimize your workspace.

See first-hand how this ultimate workspace management toolbox can help you gain visibility into your real estate portfolio, visualize move plans, and strategically plan your space for the future.


7 FM Challenges Expanding Enterprises Face

Growth is exciting, but it also brings new challenges — more buildings to manage, additional facility maintenance needs, and the need to keep a strong employee experience intact.

Discover how leading global enterprises including Adobe, Sodexo, and McKesson are overcoming these challenges with the smart technology and strategies.

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Information Courtesy of iOFFICE